Newsletter – October 2016 – Sydney property prices aren’t so bad… in comparison

I’ve just returned from my holiday which included a few days in London where I thought I’d do a little bit of research on the property market.

I was shocked! We’re always complaining about property prices in Sydney, with many people believing that they’re priced out of the market – but we’re nothing compared to London!

Take a look at some of these places in Central London…

screen-shot-2016-10-06-at-11-04-11-amThat’s £25,000,000 for a 4 bedroom terrace – that’s AU$42 million! And that’s not even one of the ridiculous properties!

Or this nice two bedroom flat for £1.5m (or around AU$2.5m)

As in Sydney, the further from the city centre you get, the less the prices are – but this market is just crazy!
Hopefully that will make you feel better about Sydney prices when you’re trawling through the internet and traipsing around to Open Houses.

If it’s your time to buy, call me.

The least I can do is make the process of securing your finance as stress free as possible.